
Our Sponsors

If you’re interested in sponsoring TIC 2020, please contact us for more information. We’re on hand to create a package that meets your needs, so do not hesitate to get in touch at:

The organisers wish to thank following companies for their financial support:

Special thanks goes to the leadership of the Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica for their organisational and financial contribution.

The organisers also wish to thank the European Commission – Directorate-General for Translation for their support and financial contribution within the Translating Europe Workshop scheme.  

The conference is supported by

State Scientific Library in Banská Bystrica

VEGA 2/0166/19 Preklad ako súčasť dejín kultúrneho priestoru III. (Translation as a Part of the Cultural Space History III.)

KEGA 026UMB-4/2019 Exaktná učebnica tlmočenia (An Exact Coursebook of Interpreting)

VEGA 1/0431/19 Model ruskej literatúry na slovenskom knižnom trhu

VEGA 1/0202/21: Reflexia kognitívnych a osobnostných charakteristík v tlmočníckom výkone študentov PaT a profesionálov v reálnom a virtuálnom prostredí (Reflection of Cognitive and Personality Traits in the Interpreting Performance of T&I Students and Professionals in Real and Virtual Environment).

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